Monday, April 6, 2015


WOW there has happened a lot of stuff.  Like.... A LOT of stuff.  Let's do this.  

Everybody, I love you.  Thank you for the emails, Ana, Steph, Nicolle, Cristina, Natalie, Blythe, Nanny, Megan, Alfredo, Scott and Neysa.  You are seriously the best.  I hope I answer a few of your questions or add to your thoughts during this email.  I am forever indebted to you all for your love.

OKAY, this week was a big freaking week.
First, Life from Honduras.

This week was a VERY special week for me, in that I had a lot of unique opportunities to see the worst and best of what is literally called 'the Holy Week.'  

Worst of the Holy Week:  NO ONE IS HOME.  We hardly had ANY lessons because NOBODY was around.  And, anyone that is around is pretty drunk, and cars are decorated with crosses and other religious symbols while symbols of immorality are paraded just to the side - they call it tradition... And we know very well what can come of 'false' traditions.

Although, we did have one lesson that I wanted to share with you guys.
This was a lesson that ended with a firm 'NO' from the investigators we were teaching.  We were trying to explain why it is important to trust in God and not tradition (as this family is a sincerely righteous and amazing family.... But the traditions they follow makes it next tio impossible to feel the spirit).  
We tried to explain that the most important thing we can do in this life is follow Christ, and that may mean searching outside of our comfort zone... finally, the lesson came to a stand still, as we tried to explain that although the Bible is vital to our understanding of the workings of God, we cannot assume that this single, albeit inspired, book contains the entirety of what God could ever want to tell us.  We cannot put a limit on His work and His word.  And....  The father of the family firmly rebuttled, 'This one book is the enirety of God's word.  This is where we disagree.  And this Holy Week is where we celebrate what is contained in THIS book and THIS book only. This book is perfect, without fault, and there is NOTHING more that needs to be said.'  We await the day when they may invite us in again.

I need to be perfectly clear.  I love the Bible.  Its teaching are irreplacable and I cherish and have a deep respect for all that is written there.  But NEVERTHELESS, I do not think it 'chance' that General Conference, every 6 months without fail, ALWAYS stresses the importance of ALL the testaments of Christ.  Study the Bible.  Understand the pearls that are hidden, waiting to be uncovered by the guide of the spirit.  But allow yourself to just as diligently feast upon the clarity of the words of the Book of Mormon - and together, in your hands, you will see exactly what it is we need to do in this life.  With that, I would like to express a little bit of what I feel is one of the universal messages these books proclaim in unison.

Best of the Holy Week:
This week was a week full of love, notwithstanding the hard moments.  This week was a week where religious boundaries were almost completely broken down, as every television show, radio talk and home discussion was based around a single person:

Jesus Christ.  

This week has been a changing week of my life.  I have realized more and more how important the Saviour is in my life, and I, little by little, am coming to a realization of the reality of His life and death.  I KNOW He lived, and I KNOW He died.  Not just for our sins and all the effects of the atonement, but quite literally, I KNOW HE ACTUALLY LIVED and I KNOW HE ACTUALLY DIED.  The reality of His actual life gives me a more concrete testimony to how MARVELOUS His purpose truly was!  He was truly born in a stable.  He truly lived and taught, using the words that are recorded in the beloved Bible.  He, in reality, was wrongly arrested as a REAL person, beaten, mocked and crucified by unbelievers.  And the Earth ACTUALLY reacted to the death of her Master.  And most importantly, HE ACTUALLY, AS A REAL PERSON, ROSE FROM THE DEAD and HE STILL LIVES TODAY.  As a REAL person!  How GREAT is the joy I have in my heart and mind as I have slowly come to realize the TRUTH in EVERYTHING Christ has done!  I do not know if I can adequately describe the love I have for Him in a few short words.... 
But, very simply,  I Love Him.  I am eternally and infintely grateful for Him.
I could try to explain the effects of all the truth I've mentioned.... but maybe you should just watch Elder Holland's talk.  ;)  Also, I would comment on it... but.... Just watch it.  Just... do it.

Anyway, those were some of the big moments here in Honduras this past week.  Wonderfully enough, The Holy Week ended with General Conference.... And, Well.... I just can't say much.  What I CAN say, is this:

-Watch Elder Holland's Talk.
-I think family is important.  Maybe.  Also, all the talk of marriage made me baggy.  Look, I WOULD if I COULD but I'm a LITTLE BUSY RIGHT NOW.
-Those who Dance may look peculiar - to those who cannot hear the Music.
-We should try to be sunflowers.  Like.... Figuratively.  Or... I guess literally if you really want to....
-The Fall - Atonement - THANK HEAVEN.
-Also, seriously, family is important.  Every religion agrees on it.  Love is yours personally, but marriage is from God. And there is a divinely decreed form for it.  
-Why didn't Richard G Scott talk?
-Why did Thomas S. Monson not talk very much??

NOW,  the big moments from HOME:

My two best friends in the world are having some big things happen to them.....  So, here, for everyone to see....

There were actually a few miracles that followed his birthday....  But that's just for the family.  ;)  You can ask Mom if you wanna know.



MY FREAKING MEXICAN BABE IS GOING TO FREAKING MEXICO.  CUERNAVACA.  I AM SO PROUD OF YOU BABE.  And yeah, there's all the secret little connections....  The same leaving date....  The spanish speaking....  Sketch places....  And, I can't believe I forgot this, but do you realize we have the same middle name?  Just in different languages?  Dang you're my brother, bro.  Love you.  I can't wait to be out together.  And I'll be seeing you at YOUR homecoming.  ;D

and... One more.....

I LOVE you so much and I am SO glad you were born and that you're my grandma and BAHHHHHHH I LOVE YOU!!!!!  Guys, this woman is one of the best women who has ever lived.  If you don't believe me.... Ask any one of my friends who knows her.  Nanny, you are amazing.  I love you.  Thank you for everything you've done for me.  I can't wait to go to the movies again and go to dinner and lunch and the bookstore and all the other stuff we're gonna do when I get back.  Happy Birthday.  

Finally....  There's the thing about the song Demons....
One more week.  Way too much happened this week.  So... soon.  :D

Well.... That's just about it.  I love you ALL and I'll miss you.  Talk to you soon.  Until then....  I sustain the prophet.  Listen to His words.  He will guide us to safety in these, the last days.

Elder Kristian Huff, 
Missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sinners Who Keep on Trying

p.s.  Today marks 8 months in the mission.  16 more to go.  Dang..... time flies.  Usually.  But anyway..... 

Song of the Week:  Cough Syrup, Young the Giant.  It is just WAY too good.  And yeah....  Live your life.  But live it WELL.'

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