Monday, September 28, 2015

Call It Miracle

Hey Everybody.

So.... It's hard to even know where to start.  First off, I want to begin by saying that the Lord is good.  This is His Work.  He always has a plan.  And... That plan, here is San Marcos, is finally in action. 

So... Let me explain by telling a story.

When we began in San Marcos, we had a regular attendance in church of about 11 people.  We had many investigators who never came to church and a ton of issues amongst the members.  We fought, taught and practically begged the people to act upon the truths of the restored gospel, but to little avail.

Then we started to ask Him for a little more help.

We thought that the miracle had come so many times, but every one led to disappointment and a hard wake-up call:  we're searching in all the wrong places.

So... We started asking harder for help.  I've never prayed so much in my life.... And I say this not to boast - I know that what He had in store didn't come because of me.  We just had to be ready to recieve it.

Our apartment has a guard - he's a sincere person.  As a sincere person, he was VERY sincere, in that he didn't want to know much about the church.  BUT, my companion was persistent.  At night, we would always talk to him for a little, sharing little parts of the message we bring.  Still, to little avail.

Then, we gave him a pamphlet of the Testimony of Joseph Smith.

The next day, he couldn't stop asking questions.  He wanted to know EVERYTHING about the apostasy and restoration and everything else we could possibly give.  He started reading the Book of Mormon, and started to open up about true doubts - and then came a really big question.

'Could we share all this with your family?'

And then followed an even bigger question, followed by a bigger answer, followed by the biggest weeks of any of our lives:

'Are you and your wife married?'

'No.   ......  But should we be?'

The past few weeks have been some of the busiest of my life - and, my dear friends and family, I have some big announcements.

Number 1:
Elder Espinoza and I have officially married the family.  They were married last Friday, and that set the course for the next 2 announcements....

Number 2:
This family was baptized on Saturday, and confirmed on Sunday.  I had the priviledge of baptizing the husband and confirming the wife, and my companion had the blessing of baptizing the wife and confirming the husband.  San Marcos welcomes two new members and their beautiful 5 year old daughter - and San Marcos, since they made the decision to get married and get baptized, has lead to the activation of several members, and we now have a regular church attendance of 20 people.  God has big plans for this area, guys.


Number 3:
This family has set the plans to go to the temple in one year - and have asked that my companion and I be present at their sealing.  I doubt there are blessings bigger than that. And to be a part of it, is.... A dream.

So, my beloved friends and family, what can we do from here?

Well, I suppose we can call it a Miracle.

But I think it's just the Work of God - He does things like this every day.  We just have to learn to see them.

I love you all.  Thank you for your support.  We have big plans....  And I'll keep you updated.  Thank you for your patience and for your prayers - it was well worth it.

Elder Kristian Huff

Song of the Week:  Time of your Life, Green Day.  Dedicated to the Newlyweds. <3


Monday, September 21, 2015

Just a preview of what is to come!

Elder Huff was unable to send an email this week, the internet wasn't working very well.  BUT - there were a few pictures that he was able to upload!  This is just a preview of what is to come next week!

STAY TUNED!!!  Great things are happening in San Marcos!!!  (things that haven't happened there in a few years!!!)

Song of the week...


Monday, September 14, 2015

Call It Imperfection

Hey Everybody!
It's been a long crazy week in Honduras.  So....  I guess I'll just go through the biggest 
things.  As I've said before, there's some big stuff on the way.... But, it's not here yet.  Next week we'll have a lot of big announcements hopefully.... Well, it's pretty sure, but GUYS it's such cool stuff.  You'll all understand.
Until then, I do have something in mind that I wanted to talk about.  I hope it will help you all as much as it's helped me. 
As I'm sure I've mentioned before, the mission has a way to bring out all of your weaknesses and challenges.  And something that I've learned a lot, is that as hard as you try at times to conquer weaknesses, there still seems to be those times when you fall into the old habits, be what it may.
So, what is to be done in these situations?  
What do you do when 'your best isn't enough?'   
Firstly and lastly - what we need to remember as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is this:  We are Exactly that.  Let's take a look at what that really means.
1.  We are Saints.  From the scriptures, those who belong to the organization or 'body' or Christ are refered to as 'Saints'.  As we learned in the last general conference, a saint isn't someone that is perfect, but one who is in the process of becoming so.  As I remember it, a saint is a sinner who keeps on trying.... So therefore, these seemingly unbeatable problems are nothing new in the eyes of God!  We need to remember that we all fall short of His perfect standard, but the point isn't to reach it.  The point, at this point in time, is just keep going.  Simple as that.  When you fall, repent of it, do better next time and keep going. And above all, LEARN from your mistakes!
2.  We are in the Latter Days.  I never fully understood this part of our name until the mission, because in Spanish, this part is translated 'last days'.  So, what can we learn from this?  WE ARE IN THE HARDEST PERIOD OF HISTORY (spiritually speaking).  Temptation is everywhere! And I don't mean just like, temptation to drink or commit fornication (although that is very strong too), but I mean the temptation to justify and thereafter quit.  DO NOT GIVE IN TO SUCH A TEMPTATION.  Do not justify your wrong action, but do not write yourself off either.  Remember that these days are MEANT to be hard, and if you're here right now, it's because GOD KNEW YOU COULD HANDLE IT.  So when you fall, get back up and remember this last point:
3.  We are the Church of Jesus Christ.  The truth of this statement is potent in every sense.  Everything we believe and everything we preach and everything we hope can be summed up in this one statement - We Cannot Do It Alone.  The scriptures teach that those who come unto Christ will be shown their weakness.  But, we have those weaknesses that we may remain humble.  We will fall.  We will at times fail. But the point isn't that moment of the failure - the point is what you do after.  We have all come unto Him by being part of His church - so we will be tested in every way imaginable!  How could we not be?  Christ calls us 'the light of the world' - do you think we do not need to EARN that title?  YES, we're going to be pushed, pulled, stretched, beaten and scorned, be it by others or be it by ourselves, but we have a foundation that WILL NOT fail, if we will only do that which He has asked. 
And WHAT has He asked?  KEEP TRYING.  When you fail, TRY AGAIN.  You did it wrong?  LEARN, then GET UP AGAIN.  We were never meant to be able to do it alone, but we have the embryo of gods within each of us.  Our very lives are a symbol of the promise we made before we came.  And what was it?  I'LL COME BACK.   Come what may, I'll get up again.  All of you back at home, if the mission has taught me anything, it's THAT.  Do not depend on your own strength.  Do what He has asked.  When it's hard, ASK SOMEONE PERFECT FOR HELP.  There's a great difference between sin and weakness.  The difference - is what we do in the moment of the temptation.  Remember in whom we have trusted.
I love you all.  I'll be telling you all about the most amazing things next week.  Until then - Stay strong.  Know that you're all in my prayers, and I can see those which you have given for me.

Elder Kristian Huff

Song of the Week:  Strawberry Swing, Coldplay.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Call it Progress

Hey guys!

Grande Eres Tu
I truly have to express my gratitude for each and every one of you for all you've done for me.... I've learned so much these past few weeks, and I feel as if everything is progressing in a miraculous way.  But, having said such, I truly feel that I shouldn't disclose the specifics as of right now, mostly for the sake of avoiding 'jinxing' said progress.  I love you all so much, and I feel that these next few weeks hold great success - for example, this week we had 23 people in church - a San Marcos record, last week having had 20.  The miracle about all of this is the truth that these people are truly progressing - but the word 'progress' just doesn't seem to say it right. That word cannot adequately express the journey that many of these people are taking.... So, I suppose you could also call it conversion - myself being one of those people.  

What more can I say.... Well, just stay strong always.  Thanks to all that have been a part of this journey.  I love this gospel, and I LOVE being a missionary.  You'll hopefully have great news in the coming weeks.  Until then.... Just remember to pray.  I think I'll probably start writing about gospel topics again in the coming weeks..... ;D


Elder Huff
Song of the Week: Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy.