Monday, October 27, 2014


HELLO MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS IN AMERICA! It has been a FABULOUS week here in Danli Honduras and I have lots to tell!!!! 

FIRST shoutouts.... Emily, Blythe (is there anything you CAN'T do girl???), Steph, Jess, Lizzie, Lara (AND GIRLS you keep kicking trash.  Your big brother is rooting for ya ALWAYS!), Emma-Lee, Assael (I miss you babe. What more can I say?), Nanny and a short little snippet last week from Ellie.  I love you all, and as always, you remain in my prayers!  For those working on You Can't Take it With You, SHATTER YOUR FEMURS.  And... Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I'm lookng forward to Noche de Brujas. Though.... Here in Honduras they don't celebrate it much. It brings bad juju or something. So.... By those who know my birthday, I am now the bruja. Which means witch. So... That's cool.

First, this week was filled with moments of calling some people out.  When I first got here, I thought it would be hard to not give money to those in need. Okay.... EVERYONE asks for money JUST because we represent Jesus. So that actually bugs me more than anything.  
Now, two examples of things I called out this week.
1.  This guy follwed me and my comp (on splits) continually asking for money. 'Solamente viente limps, mormon, viente limps.' Finally, when he pulled 'Jesus would give me money', I turned and said 'NO, Jesus would give you OPPORTUNITY, my friend. We are not giving you money, I am sorry. If you want a message, we can provide.'  And... he left.  I could analyze, but really... Just Liken the story to our lives and what all that could be symbolic of.
2.  There was this group of kids late one night.  And when I walked by on the way to an appointment, they started cussing in english. like... BAD words. Specifically, the F word strewn through other vulgar statements that I know they don't know the meaning of.  So... on the way back from the appointment, they were still there.  This is not entirely uncommon, but I was in a good mood. So... As i passed the turn, one (probably 12 year old) loudly announced, terribly pronunicated, 'HEY WHAT THE F GRINGO.'  And.... I had enough. I turned around, pointed at him with what felt like the finger of God and in clear ENGLISH stated 'You WATCH your mouth.'  The kid and his friends stop dead.  One of the others, weakly and pathetically goes '...ummm F?' I walk toward them with FIRE in my chest and, in english, give them a lecture like I can't remember.  They look at me like deer in headlights.  I ask, 'understand, my brothers?' in spanish. They say no. So, in spanish, I some up my thoughts in this statement - 'If you don't speak the language, don't use words you don't understand with someone who does.' I then left them in complete silence. I passed them again the other day. Not a word.

So... That was pretty intense.  Pretty fun actually.  But I feel that I should explain the reason for my outburst. This appointment that I mentioned was a pretty special occasion...

Nazareth Peralta (18), Dayani Galo (12).

Two more baptisms baby.  And my moment with those kids was before and after the beautiful service.  I had the opportunity to baptize Nazareth, and my comp baptized Dayani. Incredible, as the first.  I think I am only beginning to understand how precious this first covenant is.... But either way, that was amazing, and the reason I wasn't willing to listen to badly pronounced curse words that day.

So.... this week was great.  I also want to share a bit of a funny and terrifying story.

So.... I hate spiders. Yeah yeah, I'm a man, that's girly, it's just a little spider, oh I've heard it all.  And this week, during a three hour long service project for one family in my area, my comp and I heard this several times in playful jest. But... Here's the twist... 't's just a little spider' TOTALLY applies to american spiders.


The project was moving hundreds of heavy panels for roofing. And in between every 5 panels or so... Were these spiders...

Look at your hand.

Now imagine having 8 fingers, covered in hair, and the ability to leap clean over a human.



....In a nutshell, I overcame my fear of spiders this week. And, if I was, I am no longer afraid of cockroaches.  Or snakes.  Or frogs. Or really every kind of evil giant bug possible.  I mean, people... these things, in a matter of seconds, would climb up your arms, up your legs, surprise leap at you, and really just bring the demons of hell to life in front of your eyes.

No big deal.

And, on a side note, at this same appointment, I got strangely good at using a machete....

....Totally unrelated...



So... That was also a little exciting. But, on a good note, now my future wife can rest assured that I can be the man of the house when it comes to bugs. And yes... even spiders.

Love you all. In the words of my comp...

'Hey. Don't have dream about dose spiders tonight in chore bed or anything. Love chew.'

Until next week.

Elder Kristian 'The-Freaking-Demon-Spider-Killing-Machine' Ooof

Song of the Week - Carry On by Fun

Monday, October 20, 2014

Love Without Condition

Okay, HI.

SHOUTOUTS, Dad, Emily, Blythe, Steph (GIRRRLLLL WAY TO GO), Jessi, Lizzie, Crys, Natalie (FREAKING WOW), Camille and Kailey.  I love you all and I hope all is well and always feel free to tell me things that are going on... Yes, I'm a missionary, and AS such I can't do a whole lot. So... I don't get stressed. I just pray harder for you. Feel free... I always want to listen.

So, this week was a great week for the work. We have a lot of new investigators and new families that are super ready for the gospel.  We have two baptisms ready for this Saturday and these girls are READY so... I look forward to that!

The fact this week was easy with the work was a blessing, because this week was also one with some moments of pretty hard news.  

The first, is that a good friend of mine decided to leave the mission.  I only ask that you keep him in your prayers, because he is a truly remarkable man. It was his own choice, and he was a powerful missionary. On this note, I want to comment that when a missionary comes home early, Utah is infamous for the infinite judgment.  Okay, people? I am laying down my view of the law here. You DO NOT know their story.  In many cases, some would rather DIE than come home early. That is heartbreaking. These are 18 and 19 year old boys.  We've made mistakes. The standard of a mission is hard, and really, anyone who goes home for ANY reason, it is THEIR business and THEIRS alone.  Missionaries are NOT perfect, though we try hard to be. Just remember to love as Christ did. Love without condition. That is our job. Judging is for Christ and the person involved.  

And, the second, there was apprently an earthquake in El Salvador that was pretty powerful and hit most of Central America.  Yes, a few of us in Honduras felt it, but it was very light and I only slightly questioned if one was about to start when I felt it. So... We're totally safe.  However.... I have four very dear friends in El Salvador right now. Pray for them and their familes.  Elder Kimball, Elder McKell, Elder Marriott, Elder Newey.  

So... Those are the more serious thoughts of this week. Since I have to write fast, I rarely have time to proof read and edit what I write, So... If anything ever sounds forward or a bit angry or anything, I promise it is NOT. I have so much love for the world, and for all the poeple in it. So when I address hard topics, I do so with love and empathy. If it sounds brash... Just reread it with a more.... Calm, but firm tone.  Because honestly, as missionaries, we stand as representatives of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. That is a heavy calling. And, as such, we are expected to be as he was. So... We are full of love, but we stand firm in the word of God.  So, when I address these topics, I try to do so in a way that Christ would.  Firm, but with love. 

ANYWAY, just wanted to make sure you all knew that. I don't have a lot more for this week, and I hope to relate some stories of members and investigators soon, but I think I will take excerpts out of my journal for those. So... Next week. Maybe. Hopefully. 

I love you all. Please pray for the people mentioned. And for the more intense parts of this email, I can sum up my thoughts in the words of our Beloved Prophet, accompanied by his little wink in his final address during conference.

'And every day, may we all try to be... *wink*... a little better.'

God Be With You.

Elder Kristian Huff

And, also, my songs of the week; Maybe by Sick Puppies - dedicated to my feelings about the world and my investigators and The Scientist by Coldplay.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Wet Days on the Road and in the Water of Baptism

Hello, my dearest friends and family.  I just want to begin by reminding you all how much I love you. Nanny, Kailey (Ohhh that poem.), Lizzie, Blythe, Lara, (Caroline and Gracie - I love you), Terry, Jessi, Emily, Steph, Jeri, Mom and Dad and Jakob, I LOVE YOU ALL.  I really don't know how we don't say it all the time to EVERYONE. So.... Now that I have reminded you all, here is this week.

This week was a little bit different.  Not different in a bad way, but... a week of learning. This week I experienced some of the best moments I have ever experienced as well as some of the most eye opening experiences of my life.
To begin, OH MY GOSH IT HAS RAINED EVERY DAY.  WHICH IS AWESOME BUT ALSO KIND OF HARD WHEN THERE ARE ONLY DIRT ROADS.  Here are the rules of walking through Honduras as it rains.

1. If you can see footprints or tire marks, AVOID.
2. If it is a puddle, judge how deep it is first, (ohhh how good I have gotten at this. Trial and Error), and then if you think it won't swallow your leg, PUDDLES ARE SAFE AND ACTUALLY CLEANs OFF YOUR SHOES.
4. If it looks damp-ish, it is almost always safe.
5. If it is like, a stream, make sure your footing is stable.
7. The bottom of your pants will get dirty. Just stop worrying.
8. Also so will your hands.
9. And your face.
10. And really anywhere that isn't completely soaked will be dirty.  
11. And finally, avoid the edges of roofs.  The rains come out of nowhere WAY fast and if you are at that edge... You will be completely soaked within milliseconds. 
12. Actually, the edges of roofs are your friends if you are dirty. Free shower.

So.... I LOVE THE RAIN.  It is seriously like living in a dream. I can't BELIEVE how much it rains.  I like... CANNOT DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I LOVE IT.  The rules are simply for remaining presentable as a missionary in said rains. :)

Next part, I can't really go into a ton of description, but we have this baby in our ward that I am pretty sure is everyone's baby Cuz someone else is taking care of it every few minutes.  I honestly do not know who the actual parents are.  Just think about that.  Cuz I think it's freaking awesome. But a little worrying too. Oh, Honduras.

Also, my bishop feeds me really weird things. And then laughs when I am hesitant when the food looks kind of scary - But it is usually pretty good! And his spanish is super loose sounding, so I can't always understand him.  So.... he just laughs and howls at me like a dog.  Yes.... My bishop and I actually communicate (strangely well also...) through dog sounds.  Oh, Spanish.

Next, break down of the Pentateuch (which I just finished):
You need to read Genesis. Just.... To understand like everything a million times more.

Exodus... Moses is freaking AWESOME and the Children of Israel are kind of stupid.
Leviticus. Oh, Leviticus. I read you and I only felt weird and tired cuz you repeat yourself a lot and get really weirdly specific about rituals.  Mostly just rituals. Actually, Just Rituals. 
Numbers is the close of the wanderings of the Children of Israel and a lot of numbers. Go figure.
Deuteronomy was actually pretty interesting, as it is Moses talking to the Children of Israel in like... Sermon/History-Story-Telling format.  Also I cried when Moses left. AND HE NEVER EVEN GOT TO GO INTO THE PROMISED LAND. GOSH DANGIT CHILDREN OF ISRAEL WHY DON'T YOU LEARN.
So... Yeah. There you go. :)

And... Now to the things that were a little bit harder.  The learning moments.

First, we were driving with our bishop to visit this family that is a bit menos activo... So, on the drive (I love cars.) we come to this HUGE freaking hill. I get all excited cuz I was thinking to myself (HA any other day I'd have to walk that. NOT TODAY CUZ WE GOT A CAR).
As I thought this.. Our bishop's car gave out and rolled backwards all the way back down the slightly-less-steep hill that we had been traveling in car for about 5 minutes.  
We had to walk. .....why was I even surprised?
And when my comp and I arrived at the house (the bishop had to stay behind and wait for someone to help him fix his car) we stopped in the middle of the clearing. And.... I didn't see any house. Just a lot of trees on one side and nothing on the other.
We walked around the small group of trees to find this wooden... house?, literally held together by cardboard boxes and some wood around the outside.  And inside this tiny room, lived a family of five. This was their house. 
I have seen some small houses while I have been here, but nothing this lowly and humble.  
And that isn't even the sad part.
We go in to find the father in a serious sweat on the bed, the whole family just, sitting around doing mundane chores, like pulling corn kernals and sweeping the tiny room. None of the family had shoes, and the father, we found, had been out of work for about a week, because of a Dog attack. 
He laid on the bed half conscious, when he said in a weak voice 'hey, it's the missionaries'.  He reached out his hand, to my horror, to see a huge gash through his whole hand and bandages (which were probably the remains of an old shirt) over several fingers.  He obviously had no medication, and he was in severe pain. While there, we sang him a few of his favorite hymns and then gave him a blessing (I have learned to never leave my apartment without my oil.).  For the first time, I anointed the oil in spanish with no book and no help from the companion (I have given three blessings this far).  After, we left. And I have never been more humbled and heartbroken.
I was told one that as a missionary, you can only help people in two ways.

1. Give the people a million dollars.
2. Bring the people the gospel and your love.
Well... Right now, I only have one of these to give.

And the other humbling moment was a moment of the most happiness I have ever felt.  A kind of unreal, unearthly happiness.

I had the priviledge this week to baptize my first convert - Marcia Ardon.

The moment was surreal, the words came out of my mouth in complete clarity and I don't remember thinking about them. I just said them.  I immersed her in the water, and... coming out again, I just remember thinking that this 11 year old girl has just made the covenant of salvation. And... I was able to take part in that beautiful moment.  Uncle Terry, I want to thank you for baptizing me. I haven't remembered anything about my baptism until I walked out the font.  Then I remembered it all - And what joy. What utter, pure joy is it, when someone allows the spirit to touch their heart and become converted to the restored gospel. And the opportunity to baptize Marcia was one I will never forget. I thank her for letting me, and I thank God for the opportunity to take part in this incredible work.

I love you all, and may the Lord bless you all. When things are hard, remember that that is how it is SUPPOSED TO BE. Salvation Is Not Cheap.  And, also... always remember, as contained in the Gospel of Luke concerning the atonement of our Saviour:

'...and Christ, being in an agony, prayed more earnestly...'
May we all pray more earnestly as we try to become more like our Saviour and Redeemer.

With Love,
Elder Kristian Huff

Song of the Week - A Call I Hear by Peter Breinholt (the music starts after about 13 seconds)

Monday, October 6, 2014


HELLO AMERICA! (-Ariana, Day In The Life)

How are you all doing??? If you get chances, email me little snippets about your life.  For those who already do, (This week, Dad (I love your letters.), Mikaella (Freaking girl I love you.), Elizabeth (OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO WEIRD), Steph (love the pictures!!!!), Crys (You know I love you. Look for things directed to you in this - the Spirit will help), Nanny (not quite a scholar yet... But I am on the way.), Jessi (Hey, thank you for all you are doing. honestly.), and Blythe (I LOVE getting stuff from you.  Seriously. How do you find time for that? That is amazing.)) KEEP SENDING AWAY. I LOVE it.  But... Never with pressure.  Only when you can. ;)

OKAY.... To start, HOLY GENERAL CONFERENCE.  I mean, wow. Talk about inspired messages.  What I got out of it, (in a small portion) is We really freaking love our Prophet, we need to take better care of the poor, and we need to realize how important the sacrament really is...


All this leads back to one person....

But I am sure you all know who that is.

I wish I could write more, but I totally forgot my GC book.  So... Next week I will give more specifics.


Okay, to start.... Honduras really is wonderful. I am living a dream.  Yeah, there are hard times, and I might share some here and there, but overall, I just marvel at the fact I am here and what I am allowed to do.  It amazes me and I am just... Humbled. Always. I rarely get a chance to take things for granted here - and that is a true blessing in my life here in Honduras.

This week went by FAST for me. I swear, I was just writing last week's letter. But, I always have stories.

To start.. Just to get the weird stuff out of the way, that I hope makes you guys laugh first, then kind of consider the implications.  For me, I see both the humor and the haunting truth at the same time.

Mont Connell, if you ever read this, this is totally directed to you.

They just... ARE. SO OFTEN.  In the middle of a lesson,  a woman we are teaching starts nursing (in an otherwise.... OBVIOUS way), or a grandma walks in without ANY clothes on, or people just forget miscellaneous pieces of clothing that are otherwise a little bit important.

OR... As of THIS MORNING, people just walk through the streets naked as well.  I am a little bit convinced the man was not entirely in his right mind.... But the thing about Honduras? There are no cops, and... well... no real law enforcement period.  So.... The traffic is TERRIFYING, and the naked man walking down the street is... well.... almost acceptable.


I find this both a little funny and a lot of disturbing.

.... Implications?  Now, for the man this morning, I am guessing it was a result of alcohol or other substance abuse.  Odd, and sad, but the implications I am talking about are a lot less about the sad aspect, interestingly enough.

Living here is like being a part of one, huge, intimate (to weird extents) FAMILY.  Seriously! These things are normal, not because they are uncivilized or crude or dont care, but because they are unaware that it is weird!  Here, in Honduras, everyone is perfectly comfortable together, regardless of religion, age or circumstance.  Everyone knows everyone, and no one has anything to hide (quite literally).  Yes, it is weird to a white boy from Utah, but I got used to it strangely fast.  It is endearing how safe everyone feels in such a humble country.  And, in a flattering (kind of?...) and untraditional kind of way, I have been adopted as the pet gringo into the giant family that is our area.

So... Yeah.  That is my story of Honduras for the week.  Hope it brought some smiles. Also, teaching the Word of Wisdom IS HARD. Like, 11 year olds cry over the no coffee rule.  And so do like, 60 year olds.  Oooof....

Now, for a more spiritual story.

Our bishop lives next door to me.  And I actually give his 18 year old daughter english lessons.  She is very good as it is, but that just means time for me to speak in english. Hallelujah.

This girl is truly a sweet spirit.  And, as such, she asks me questions and loves hearing about America.  As a result... This week was full of flashbacks.

First, A Day in the Life and the Disney Concert.  I dream about those shows still, and more so this week.  All I want to say, is I love each and every one of you from those concerts.  Everyone in Glee, everyone in Dance Company, everyone in band and orchestra and choir and my choir boys that set up the stage perfect EVERY time and everyone from theater and the casts and gosh.... I love you all.  One song in specific of this week was It's Time.  I still hear all of your voices singing the parts.... Starting with Jocelyn and Olivia, Kailey, then myself, Jessi, Jonah, Kelsey, Sabrina and Janaya, Austin, Reesa and Allison and James, Lizzie, Josh and Alyssabeth and finally Sophia, with dance solos from Megan and Jessika and Rose... And of course, the new people of this past year, with Alexa and Joy and Tyler in there somewhere, and Avery and Crys and Mary and honarary Timmy and JB and Shawn and MiKayla (oh how I miss you, girl.) and Kaleb (OH how I miss you Kaleb) and Natalie and Jared and KEVIN GOSH KEVIN I MISS YOU AND BAAAHHHH FREAKING ALL OF YOU.   (If I missed anyone, i am sorry.... I am rushing and those were the ones I recalled the fastest, But I dont think I missed anyone from Glee. Camille, you are in there too.) She loved listening to my million stories about all of you... And gosh how I miss you.  Thank you Niki and Kimie and Rochelle and Greg and Robinne for the many opportunities I had to share with these people.

These memories are precious to me. And speaking of which, I want to kind of post... A tribute. Alomst.  I hope it doesnt make him feel uncomfortable... But I have seen him uncomfrotable.  That was NEVER a place we wanted to reach.
Second. This is hard for me.  I dont ever want to be sappy... So I just want you, my friend, to know how sincere I am right now. A message of love and appreciation to my brother this week.  To my mexican, Assael. (you know I love you, Jakob.)   I have been missing you more than I can describe. Showing this girl pictures of you made me cry. And... I just want you to know how much I love you.  I love you, with all my heart. Brother, there is a special place in my heart for you.  And I dont care how old we are,  when we get back, we WILL watch happy wheels and adventure time and HIMYM and eat hot pockets and talk about all the weird stuff we would and laugh and cry and play guitar and vent and stay up until who knows when and sing Green Day just like we did when I left. Right now, and this week, those have been the most cherished of my memories.  I love you, Assael.  I love you, my brother, and my best friend.  No one will ever be who you are to me. And that is my best friend in this world.  Remember when we got yelled at for singing Animal on the roof? Or when we got the cops called on us? Or that night when those guys came to my grandmas house in the middle of the night? or 'nahhh man we're sleeping' during fast offerings? or setting up the Africa Project page?  or interwebicles? or our handshake that I literally do on my own all the time? Or singing Les Mis and getting Taco Bell and wrestling and making really weird songs about kind of inappropriate things? or the nights you stayed up with me when i was heartbroken? Or vice versa?

I do.  

And I put this here because I want everyone who reads this to know how special of a person you are.  If you dont know him, you should start.  You are one of the best people I know. Thank you, brother.  (Songs of the week are dedicated to you, Assael:  'When the Cold of Winter Comes' from Lord of the Rings and 'Run' by Snow Patrol)

In the words of Green Day...

'We'll soon be home... We'll soon be home... We'll soon, we'll soon soon soon be home....'

I love you all. Until next week.

Elder Kristian Ooof