Monday, October 12, 2015

Modern Prophets and Modern Promises

Hey everybody!

This has been an amazing week, and I find myself learning new things still, every day. It seems that there aren't adequate words to express the gratitude in my heart towards our Celestial Father.  And I feel that the only way I can truly show my thanks is by sharing what I know with others, with the hope that they too will benefit and learn more about our Heavenly home.  

So, with that said, what I want to say today is that God really does answer prayers - which is a simple lesson I've learned over and over again during these first 14 months of my mission.  There are many things that I could tell you all - but I once again, for the first time in some months, feel the prompting to share a blessing I recieved this past couple of weeks - and one that ought not to remain unsaid.

During my mission, my faith in God and His existence, and His infinite knowledge and progression, and His unwaivering love towards us has grown unmeasurably.  My trust in the Saviour and his divine mission and sacred calling and His unfailing eternal atonement has become one strong enough to change my whole mode of thought.  And with a testimony of these two eternal principles, the perfection of the doctrine and the fulfilled prophecies of the scriptures that have come to light through the restoration, the truth of the restored gospel leaves me speechless with gratitude.  I've said it once, and I'll say it again and again until the whole world knows, I know that Joseph Smith was called of God and that the Book of Mormon is undeniable evidence of the everlasting gospel having been restored.  

But, even with a response of such strength from the Holy Spirit, I still doubted in one simple, fundamental doctrine.

I wanted to really know if there are prophets in these days.  

I LOVE our General Authorities - of that, there is no doubt.  But to think that they have the same God-Given calling as prophets, seers and revelators, even the same as Moses and Daniel and Peter of old, was a thought that I didn't truly accept for a long time.  

Until this past General Conference.

My dear friends and family, I hope that what I say touches your hearts the way that mind was touched.  It is next to impossible to invite the spirit through a simple 'blog-entry', but I pray that you'll know as I now know.  

After having watched our beloved prophet stumble over his words and nearly fall, and having heard the testimony of the three new apostles, and having seen how these men speak with one voice in such a perfect way - I recieved my testimony.  And it was sealed by President Eyring's words, telling us so clearly that the spirit has revealed to us that these men are called of God Himself - and I was among those to whom he was speaking.  I had already written it down as a personal note - and then he said it exactly as I had written it, word for word.  

And now . I KNOW that they are exactly what they are called as.  They are the chosen and elect of God to guide us in these days, even as those prophets of old.  We can trust in them - trust in their counsel - they will not lead us astray.  They are preparing us for the biggest event of our human existence.  This I know, with all my heart.  I thank my Heavenly Father for having revealed it so clearly - and I invite you all to read their words, and ask Him, who knows all things, if what I've said is as true for you as it is for me.  I promise He'll answer.

I LOVE YOU ALL.  Thank you for everything - I appreciate all your prayers and support.  We will talk again soon.

Elder Kristian Huff

Song of the Week:  Into the West, Annie Lennox.

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