Monday, December 28, 2015

Silent Nights

Hey Everybody.

Sorry I haven't been very good about writing lately - the time just goes by way too fast, and then I find myself without a message for you all.  But, today I think I have time, so.... I thought I'd write a special kind of message in two parts.  As we come to the end of another year, I find myself closing the only full year in the which I'll be serving in Honduras.  2015 was that year - my one full year.  And as it closes - I find myself reflecting a lot on what I've accomplished and learned during this year.  And seeing as I have the blessing of writing the first half of the message on the 24th and the second part on the 31st - I feel that I should take advantage of the situation to tell you the things that have had the most effect on me during this year. So.... I think I'll just start.

To begin, I want to take a look at where I was during this year to be able to describe a little better the things I want to tell you. 

December 10th - January 21st:  Danli - Elder Tuft
January 21st - April 15th:  Villa Olimpica - Elder Naupoto
April 15th - July 8th:  Villa Olimpica - Elder Putnam
July 8th - September 30th:  San Marcos - Elder Espinoza
September 30th - November 11th:  San Marcos - Elder Rogers
November 11th - December 9th:  Amapala - Elder Huaman
December 9th - Now:  Amapala - Elder Batista

So - the run down.  During the year 2015, I have had 4 areas and 7 companions. I have seen many baptisms and many reactivations in that time, as well as seen many struggles amongst those who are still searching.  I have seen tragedies and miracles.  I have seen conversion take place in some while doubt and pride blind others.  I've seen love and hate, acceptance and rejection, tears of joy and tears of pain, sickness and health, war and peace and every extreme I think one could list.  From every area I've learned more and more what it means to be a good person and even more about being a good missionary.  From each companion I've learned a million lessons, and for each companion I've developed a deep love and respect.  

And... To be totally honest, I doubt that words will ever be able to express all that I've learned in this year. I wish I could find words to put the whole thing together, but I think that what I wanted to tell you more than anything, is that the most important moments didn't happen during lessons or during a moment in the font.  The most important moments of this year, the ones that had the largest effect on me, occured during those quiet moments in the night time, kneeled at the side of my bed.  That's why the first of the two messages is called silent nights - because this Christmas, all I can do is marvel at how much I've learned during those silent, peaceful nights talking to God.  

This year has been the biggest year in learning about the plan that He has and our part in that plan.  And those silent nights were the moments that I had, being able to come to know who God is - and it amazes me to understand that we were probably all in awe during that precious moment, during a silent night many years ago, when the world came to know her god in the flesh - that precious night when the saviour of the world was born.  And more and more, I'm coming to understand all that can happen in one quiet, peaceful, silent night.  

So, as the first part of the message of the new year to you all, I just want to beg you all to not lose those moments.  Take advantage of those silent nights, where you will be able to allow yourself to see your life through Heaven's Eyes.  I will actually be talking a lot more about that in next week's letter - but please.... Start tonight, and kneel and make the habit and the determination to talk more with God.  Please - it makes all the difference.  And just as that same gesture prepared me for this year, I hope that it will be an appropriate preparation for all that I'll try to put in words next week.  I love you all, and I hope you'll all take time to talk to God about He whom we celebrate during this time.  Remember Christ during this Christmas. I know I'll be thinking about Him a lot.

I love you - Merry Christmas, my beloved friends and family.

Elder Kristian Huff

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